How to Improve Memory and Concentration

 How to Improve Memory and Concentration

Memory and concentration are very important in 21 century. But as vital as these things are, we tend to lose them due to some circumstances. The commonest is age; as people age, their memories might fade, and concentration becomes weak. However, there are methods that you can devise to prevent memory loss and increase concentration even when aging. 

Can’t you focus on your work, studies, or other daily life activities? Everyone sees changes in personality in older age. It happens when we lose the ability to remember things. But in some cases, young people also face this problem, and at a later age, it results in dementia or memory loss. So, it’s better to treat the symptoms early before it gets late. 

How to boost and improve memory and concentration?

A strong memory and brain depend on the brain’s health and vitality. It’s also the reality that you can face memory loss at any age, whether you are a student or older. But the human brain can change and adapt to new things. In scientific language, we call this term “Neuroplasticity.” Apart from this, the brain also has the power to reshape itself when it comes to learning. The main aim of Neuroplasticity is to enhance learning ability and improve memory and concentration at any age. Here are tips that will surely help to improve concentration and memory.

Exercise your brain

If you have reached adulthood, millions of pathways help you recall information quickly. But to do this, you will have to keep your brain busy and active. If you work out your brain, it will be able to remember information better. Here are the following benefits of good brain-boosting activity: 

  • It teaches your brain new things, and later it can absorb more information
  • Moreover, it’s good to give challenging activities to the brain because it requires mental effort. 
  • Mental exercise is more like a skill that you can build by doing practice. So, try to stretch your abilities, and later you will start feeling comfortable. 
  • The brain activities are rewarding and support the learning process. But try to choose rewarding, challenging yet satisfying, and enjoyable activities. 

First, you need to learn that the brain is elastic and does not have a limit. The only limit you can have is the knowledge that you acquire. The more you use it, the more it expands and becomes stronger. So, if your brain is not working to its fullest capacity, you might want to ask yourself whether you are learning new things. The way you go to a gym to exercise your body also engages in activities to exercise your brain. Learn the impossible, instruments, play mind games, and you can even learn another language. Note that if you always putt your brain in its comfort zone, you will never improve your memory and concentration.

Know the importance of physical exercise: 

Mental activities are crucial for brain health, and it helps to stay sharp and focused. Above all, it increases oxygen to the brain and eliminates the risk of disorders. Many mental illnesses lead to many problems like memory loss, diabetes, and heart diseases. In addition to this, exercise is helpful for brain chemicals and reduces stress. Here are some tips for doing brain-boosting activities: 

  • Aerobic exercise is good that helps to keep blood pumping 
  • Morning activities make a big difference in your day and keep a person healthy and active 
  • Movement breaks mental fatigue and gives enough time to the brain to reboot

Exercising your brain should not stop your physical exercise. It allows you to stay alert. Exercising regularly helps to increase the level of oxygen in the brain and minimizes the risk of diseases that can lead to memory and concentration loss. It allows useful brain chemicals to work effectively and minimizes the stress hormones. In short, engage in exercises and get your heart pumping because if it is good for your heart, then it will be good for your brain. 

Eat a brain-boosting diet: 

Diet is the crucial element that keeps a person healthy and fit. So, if you want to improve memory and concentration, try to eat healthy food for your brain. Here is the list of food that you can add to your list

CaffeineMake brain more alert
SugarEnhance brain sharpness
BreakfastFuel brain
FishWorks as a brain-boosting food
Nuts and chocolatesResult in less cognitive decline
Avocados and whole grainsCut the risk of heart diseases
BlueberriesProtect the brain from damage or dementia

Apart from this, don’t forget to include vitamins, minerals, and supplements in your diet. Besides, get a good sleep and stay hydrated. 

Use acronyms and abbreviations.

This method has proven effective for students over the years. It is a great way to remember things. If you are struggling with a particular word, you can shorten them to a few letters that you can easily remember e.g., ROYGBIV for Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. And you can even try putting them into songs or even rhymes. It does not matter the one you are choosing; the goal is to choose something that will be simple to remember. 

Relax and sleep

It is important that you engage in brain tasking activities; however, it is more important that you do not disrespect sleeping time. Rest a lot, get enough sleep, and do not break your sleep routine. Having quality sleeping time is a time of reset; it takes stress off your brain and allows you to be more productive. At least your sleeping time should be around 7 to 9 hours and avoid drinks that will interfere with your sleep. 

improve memory and concentration

Avoid some drugs

Do not take any medications without having a prescription from your doctor. And stay clear of drugs that will affect your memory and concentration. Some drugs might do well to treat some diseases and, at the same time, influence your brain – medications such as statins, antidepressants, sleeping aids, antianxiety and hypertension drugs, and metformin. The most important thing is making sure you discuss with the doctor before you take any medication.

Make learning part of your life: 

According to studies, higher-level studies have a good effect on brain health. So, always try to learn new things because a strong memory keeps a person mentally active. Apart from this, challenging your brain often helps maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication. In short, keep your brain busy by reading a book, playing chess, or solving puzzles. Apart from this, there are other ways to improve memory and concentration. 

  • Always believe in yourself and use all your senses to do anything 
  • Identify and treat if you have mental health problems 
  • Keep yourself busy, and don’t forget to set a regular sleep schedule 
  • Avoid screen time before bed 
  • Try to socialize and drink more water to stay hydrated 

According to a study conducted in 2008, walking in a park improves memory and brain attention. These small yet very effective habits keep your brain safe from shrinking. We can say our memory is like a skill, and we can improve it with practice and adopting overall healthy habits. 

Mila Kushneryk

Mila Kushneryk is multitalented, active and like to explore everything. Her skills and experience empower people to easily go through the digital organizational transformation, reach their customers in a personalized way, grow mental health, increase productivity, and boost life energy.